Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Access content directly from distribution point - SCCM 2012

Microsoft introduced the new content library, the idea is to save space by saving all files in a library but only save identical files once, and refer to the location for all other instances of the file. The idea is good, but it comes with a price. All content stored in the library must be extracted during installation. This slows down the deployment meaning all files will have to be downloaded by the client.

If you want to change this and store your content in a share, you can. Please be aware that this has a cost in disk space.

On all your content in the task sequence meaning packages, boot, images, drivers even the configuration manager agent, select “copy the content in this package to a package share on distribution points.”

At this point you will start to see package shares (eg smspkgc$) start to appear on the distribution points, just like they would in SMS & SCCM ‘07. Once all of the packages have had the above option enabled, open up your task sequence deployment (aka advertisement) and on the Distribution Point tab you will now see an additional option in your drop down box:

Of course you should have a think about and understand the effect this is going to have, for example this may used up to double the amount of storage space for each package on your DP as the files will be stored in the Content Library as well as the Package Share location.

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