Tuesday 24 September 2024

SCCM Configuration Item to Start, Stop, Refresh and Restart Services on client devices

In this post, we will be discussing the topic of how to Enable or Disable Services and how to Start, Stop, Refresh and Restart Services on client device

---Monitor Script

# Define the service name

$serviceName = "PFERemediation"

# Confirm the service status

$service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName

 # Check if the service is stopped and disabled

if ($service.Status -eq 'Stopped' -and $service.StartType -eq 'Disabled') {

    Write-Output "compliance"

} else {

    Write-Output "non-compliance"


--Remediation Script

# Define the service name

$serviceName = "PFERemediation"

 # Stop the service

Stop-Service -Name $serviceName -Force

# Disable the service

Set-Service -Name $serviceName -StartupType Disabled

 # Confirm the service status

$service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName

# Check if the service is stopped and disabled

if ($service.Status -eq 'Stopped' -and $service.StartType -eq 'Disabled') {

    Write-Output "compliance"

} else {

    Write-Output "non-compliance"


More command line 

Automatic (Delayed Start))​

Set-Service -Name "ServiceName" -StartupType AutomaticDelayedStart​



Set-Service -Name "ServiceName" -StartupType Automatic​



Set-Service -Name "ServiceName" -StartupType Manual​

(Automatic (Delayed Start))​

Set-Service -Name "ServiceName" -StartupType AutomaticDelayedStart -Status Running​



Set-Service -Name "ServiceName" -StartupType Automatic -Status Running​



Set-Service -Name "ServiceName" -StartupType Manual -Status Running

Set-Service -Name "ServiceName" -StartupType Disabled -Status Stopped

Thursday 19 September 2024

SCCM WMI Repair using powershell script

 Script 1:


Cd C:\temp\PSTools

$computers = Get-Content "C:\Temp\repairWMI\Input.txt"

Foreach ($computer in $computers)


 $filecopy = "\\"+$computer+"\C$"

 $comp = "\\"+$computer

 if (Test-Path $filecopy)


  Copy-Item "C:\Temp\repairWMI\TorepairWMI.ps1" -Destination $filecopy -Force

  Start-sleep 5 

  .\PsExec.exe -i -s $comp PowerShell.exe -noninteractive -File "C:\TorepairWMI.ps1"




 Script 2:

Function Repair-WMI {


        CD C:\Windows\System32\WBEM

        cmd /C "dir /b *.mof *.mfl | findstr /v /i uninstall > moflist.txt & for /F %s in (moflist.txt) do mofcomp %s"


        CD "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Policy Platform"

        cmd /C "mofcomp ExtendedStatus.mof"

        # Check PATH

                # Stop WMI

        Stop-Service -Force ccmexec -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Stop-Service -Force winmgmt

        # WMI Binaries


        foreach ($sWMIPath in @(($ENV:SystemRoot+"\System32\wbem"),($ENV:SystemRoot+"\SysWOW64\wbem"))) {

            if(Test-Path -Path $sWMIPath){

                push-Location $sWMIPath

                foreach($sBin in $aWMIBinaries){

                    if(Test-Path -Path $sBin){

                        $oCurrentBin=Get-Item -Path  $sBin

                        & $oCurrentBin.FullName /RegServer



                        # Warning only for System32

                        if($sWMIPath -eq $ENV:SystemRoot+"\System32\wbem"){

                            Write-Warning "File $sBin not found!"









Start-sleep 10

Remove-Item C:\TorepairWMI.PS1 -Force

Intune Blocking Store App and allow them updated

 Below configuration profile will help to block the store app  Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Store Turn off the Store applicat...