Before Remove the distribution
Point from the Site System, must remove the packages from the DP, But sometimes
we forgot to do this often.
And then they
end up with errors from each package because SCCM can´t access the server and
it can´t delete the package etc (distmgr.log). It will also still list
the DP under each package.
The only way is
to remove the entry from the SQL Database,
Please keep in mind that manually
editing the database is unsupported!
Backup the ConfigMgr database.
2. Find the entries for the DP package share:
Queries for finding information that needs to be delete later on.
2. Find the entries for the DP package share:
Queries for finding information that needs to be delete later on.
Select * from pkgservers where NALpath like '%\\<servername>%'
Select * from pkgstatus where pkgserver like '%\\<servername>%'
Select * from contentdpmap where serverpath like '%\\<servername>%'
Select * from DPinfo where servername like '%<servername>%'
3. Delete any entries from any of the above tables that point to the nonexistent share:
Queries for deleling information about the DP that was removed earlier.
Delete from pkgservers where NALpath like '%\\<servername>%'
Delete from pkgstatus where pkgserver like '%\\<servername>%'
Delete from contentdpmap where serverpath like '%\\<servername>%'
Delete from DPinfo where servername like '%<servername>%'
You can also use a SDK script
when the DP is alive -