Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Custom Status Message Queries for Monitor OS Deployment

Like in SCCM 2007, there is no option to monitor OS deployment in SCCM 2012, but we can create a custom status message query to view the status of OD deployment.

Below query will help to monitor OS deployment,

select stat.*, ins.*, att1.*, att1.AttributeTime from  SMS_StatusMessage as stat left join SMS_StatMsgInsStrings as ins on ins.RecordID = stat.RecordID left join SMS_StatMsgAttributes as att1 on att1.RecordID = stat.RecordID inner join SMS_StatMsgAttributes as att2 on att2.RecordID = stat.RecordID where att2.AttributeID = 401 and att2.AttributeValue = "Deployment ID" and stat.SiteCode = "Site Code" and att2.AttributeTime >= ##PRM:SMS_StatMsgAttributes.AttributeTime## order by att1.AttributeTime DESC

Default Status Message Queries

In SCCM 2012 there are few default status message queries are available , which will help us view audit status of boundaries, collections, deployments, packages, programs, remote control activity, security roles, server components and site systems, totally they have 41 default queries.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Find Collection Membership Information of a Specific Client Machine (SSRS Report)

How to create SSRS report in SCCM 2012 using report builder

  • ·Go to SCCM console – Reports – Create report

  •       After click next report will open up in Report Builder.

  •       Right click on Data sets and click Add Data set
  •       Select Use dataset embedded in my report and select data source. Type the above query as follows

select a.CollectionId, b.Name from dbo.v_R_System r
join dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership a on R.ResourceID = a.ResourceID
join dbo.v_Collection b on b.CollectionID = a.CollectionID
Where R.Name0 =@machine
  •  Click fields and click ok
  •  Right click on Data Sets and click Add Data Set again. Fill the details as follows and press OK
select Name0 from v_R_System
  •         Right Click on report, where the empty area of report page and select properties. Go to reference tab, Click ADD on assemblies
  •          Add following assemblie  –  SrsResources, culture=neutral And Click OK

  • Go to parameters and now you can see there are two parameters. machine and UserSIDs. Right click on UserSIDs and select properties

  • Select parameter properties – Internal Default values, select specific value and ADD

Value – =SrsResources.UserIdentity.GetUserSIDs(User!UserID)

  •       Go to insert and select table
  •        Select dataset 1 and next

  •        Now you can run the report on SSRS

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Failed to create Stand Alone Media - SCCM OSD (Storage Issue)

When you create standalone media, the process storage all data to the temporary location until it complete the task.

If you don’t have enough space in temp location , normally C drive the stand alone media creation will fail with the below error


Now you need to either increase the C drive space or change the temp storage location to another drive

Control Panel -> System and Security -> Advanced System Settings and click Environment Variables

And Edit the Temp variable in the user profile to a folder on another drive with more space.

SCCM SQL Query Online device by Management Point

 SCCM SQL Query Online device by Management Point select srl.SiteCode, srl.ServerName, srl.InternetEnabled, srl.Shared, srl.SslState, SUM(br...