Fallback Status Point
The Fallback Status Point (FSP) is a role is used to receive State Messages from clients, similar to a management point (MP). The difference is that only certain types of state messages are sent to a FSP, in particular messages related to client installation, client site assignment, and clients unable to communicate with their HTTPS MP. There are built-in reports that can be leverage to view the data the is received by the FSP
There are various reports available for viewing the results of the data processed by the Fallback Status Point. They are located in the "SMS - Client Information" category in Reporting Services. The ones related to Client Installation and Site assignment are:
- Client assignment detailed status report
- Client assignment failure details
- Client assignment status details
- Client assignment success details
- Client deployment failure report
- Client deployment status details
- Client deployment success report
Fallback Site
The next "Fallback" to discuss is using a "Fallback Site". I recommend using caution when enabling this feature. It can lead to unexpected results if its not used properly. In Configuration Manager 2012, simply creating boundaries is not enough. It order to define a boundary to be used for Site Assignment it must be added to a Boundary Group that is enabled for Site Assignment. The Fallback Site allows clients that are installed using the SMSSITECODE=AUTO installation property to be assigned to the Fallback Site if they are not located in a boundary that is associated with a Boundary Group that is enabled for Site Assignment.
Fallback for Content Location
Finally, let's dive into the "fallback" for content location feature. Essentially, this feature is designed to allow client to gain access to content that is not available on a Distribution Point (DP) that is located in their Boundary Group. If this feature is not implemented correctly, it can lead to unexpected results and high network utilization over remote WAN links.